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2023 ANNUAL STOCKHOLDERS’ MEETING  April 26, 2023 (Wednesday) at 1:30 P.M.








The Board of Directors of the PDMC has approved and authorized the stockholders to participate in the Annual Stockholders’ Meeting (or ASM) via remote communication and to exercise their right to vote in absentia.

For this purpose, the Board has also approved the following Guidelines in the conduct of the ASM for the faithful compliance of the stockholders.



I. Registration


Stockholders who wish to participate in the meeting via remote communication and to exercise their vote in absentia must notify the Corporate Secretary of their intention to participate by submitting the Acknowledgment Receipt (attached to the Notice of Meeting) to the Office of the Corporate Secretary not later than 14 April 2023 (Friday) thru: (i) email at / or (ii) by delivery at 8 Floor, Pasig Doctors Medical Center, together with the following supporting documents / information, subject to verification and validation:

1. Copy of valid government ID of stockholder/proxy

2. If appointing a proxy, copy of proxy form duly signed by stockholder (need not be notarized)

3. Email-address and contact number of stockholder or proxy.



II. Zoom ID and Password


Only stockholders or proxies who have confirmed in accordance with Item 1 above will be given the Zoom ID and Password for his/her access only and sharing is not allowed which will be sent by email before the ASM.

Stockholders will have to download the Zoom app in their computer or mobile devices such as tablet, laptop and mobile phones. Should anyone need assistance in installing or setting up the Zoom app, they may contact Ms. Sheena Siwa thru mobile # 09778154181


III. Election of Directors (Procedure for Nomination and Voting)


The Articles of Incorporation of the Company require the election of Fifteen (15) directors who will serve a term of one year from 2023 to 2024.

Ballots will be sent by email to the stockholders. Stockholders may nominate and vote as many as fifteen candidates by filling up the ballots in accordance with the procedures stated therein. Comelec will fill up the ballot no. for every stockholder who submitted their ballots. Ballots containing the votes must be returned to the Office of the Corporate Secretary not later than 24 April 2023 (Monday) at 12 PM thru:

(i) Email at / or (ii) by delivery at 8 Floor, Pasig Doctors Medical Center for verification, validation and tabulation. Ballots received beyond the deadline will be accepted but not counted. The results of the voting will be announced during the ASM.



IV. Open Forum



During the virtual meeting, the Company will have an Open Forum, during which, the meeting’s moderator will read and the appropriate representatives of the Company shall endeavor to answer as many of the questions and comments received from stockholders as time will allow.

Stockholders shall send their questions in advance by sending an email bearing the subject “ASM 2023 Open Forum” to this email address / Questions/comments received but not entertained during the Open Forum due to time constraints will be addressed separately by the Company.



V. Decorum


(a) In the interest of transparency, attendees must display their COMPLETE NAME when registering in the Zoom meeting ONE ZOOM ACCOUNT FOR ONE ATTENDEE.

(b) Unidentified attendees or those using nicknames/device names will not be allowed to enter

(c) Attendees must turn on their device videos during the entire duration of the meeting. Attendees who will use a photo display or will turn off their videos for an unreasonable length of time will be removed

From the meeting

(d) Attendees are discouraged to take screenshots during the meeting. A copy of the video recording of the meeting will be provided by the office of the Secretary upon request

(e) Meeting attendance will be obtained online

(f) All attendees will be put on mute to avoid disruption during the meeting. It will be turned on only at the proper time and once recognized by the Chairman upon motion of the attendee (by pressing the “raise your hand” button or function of the Zoom app or, if not possible, by actually raising one’s hand).


For any queries or concerns regarding this Guidelines, please contact the Office of the Corporate Secretary at this telephone # 8878-73-62 loc 801 or via email at /




Thank you!


PDMC Management


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